California’s Bike Accident Map

A personal injury law firm, Avrek Law, has posted an interactive map of all user-reported bicycle accidents in California.  Here’s a screen shot of the map in Southern California:

BikeSafe Bicycle Crash Reporting App

I’m not sure what the quality control is to monitor the reports that people send in via the website, but the data could be useful to determine where clusters of accidents may be happening.  That could indicate the need for more bike safety improvements, such as separate bike rights-of-way via protected bike lanes, better striping, or other traffic calming measures.

Admittedly, at first glance it’s hard to see any obvious patterns emerge other than a relationship to population densities (i.e. more people means more accidents).  But this kind of mapping could get more detailed and comprehensive as more reports come in. We may then start to see some patterns emerge that could affect how we spend our transportation resources for biking.  Kudos to Avrek for getting this launched.


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