Prop 30 & Adverse Childhood Experiences — State Of The Bay 6pm PT

On tonight’s State of the Bay, we discuss Proposition 30, which would tax the wealthy to fund wildfire mitigation and electric vehicles. Why are Governor Newsom and the teachers unions against it? How will you vote? Joining us is Sammy Roth, staff writer for the Los Angeles Times covering energy.

Then we’ll focus on Adverse Childhood Events (aka ACEs), which have been linked to poor mental and physical health as adults. How can we mitigate these negative effects? What are recent studies showing? What policies are in place to protect our children? Our guests include:

  • Dr. Dayna Long, pediatrician, researcher and director of Community Health and Engagement at UCSF
  • Dr. Nicole Bush, Associate Professor, Psychiatry UCSF Weill Institute for Neurosciences and clinical researcher

Finally, we’ll interview Maryam Qudus, also known as Spacemoth, as she discusses her debut album No Past No Future.

What would you like to ask our guests? Post a comment here, tweet us @StateofBay, send an email to or leave a voicemail at (415) 580-0718‬.

Tune in tonight at 6pm PT on KALW 91.7 FM in the San Francisco Bay Area or stream live. You can also call 866-798-TALK with questions during the show.
